SiteNinja Billing and Support
Log into Support and Billing
To access your SiteNinja billing and support, go to . Log in with the provided information in your SiteNinja welcome email. Your Username will be your Email Address.
You are also provided with a link to reset your password.

Understanding your Support and Billing portal

1.) Your website support indicator. Make sure you are logged into the correct billing and support site by checking your website title.
2.) Here is your main navigation to access the important information.
3.) Your SiteNinja website billing and support information is displayed directly on the home screen. You have easy access to your most recent support tickets and service invoices.
4.) Access other important information with Quick Links. Here you can access our in-depth SiteNinja support database, file a support ticket, and view your account info and statistics at a glance.
My Details
1.) Quickly access important information for easy account manamgment.
The My Details tab gives you access to all of your account information on file with SiteNinja. Here you have access to edit:
- Name
- Email Address
- Company Address
- Phone Number
- Payment Information
- Client Notes
- Manage Contacts/Sub Contacts
- Change Credit Card information
- Change Password
- Update Security Settings
My Services
The My Services tab shows you all active and inactive serivces being prodided to your website by SiteNinja.
My Invoices
My Invoices tab lets you view a log of all your SiteNinja billed invoices archived by date issued and paid.

My Emails
My Emails tab lets you view your entire support contact log. Here you can reference any response between your website and SiteNinja support.